Outlander Season 7 Episode 9 Trailer explained

Outlander Season 7 Episode 9 Trailer Reveals

Outlander fans are now living in the droughtlander. The period they hate to be in. Somehow, they are now in the hope that the rest of the episodes of Season 7 will air at early days of 2024. The mid-season finale of season 7 ends in an eventful and exciting way keeping fans at stake. The second half of the season 7 will create amazing storylines as per the 16 seconds trailer.  So, this is trying to break and visualize Outlander season 7 episode 9 trailer.

Background of the Trailer

The trailer is lot shorter than fans see usually but it uncovers what would happen next. Apart from promotional stuff, the content related to Outlander stays within 10 seconds. So it is very much on the side of a teaser than a full trailer.

Jamie and Claire

Jamie and Claire with Ian walking on land possibly in Scotland. If you match the dressing outfits of three that they’re wearing in this trailer is the same at the end of episode 8. So this is continuation of the last episode of season 7. Jamie is the only one to look back and Jamie looking back possibly means this could be he looks back at the empty sea or departing ship. An emptiness is filled in his heart meaning his son William is on another continent. He had memories to forget with him. He almost kill him in the Battle of Saratoga is something haunting in his mind.

In the second scene Claire asks “are you in danger”? This is hard to know who is she talking to. But with the seriousness appeared in her face it could be Jamie. Her attire is just visible meaning she is inside in house or somewhere. But in further Claire is in Scotland and she must be practicing as a doctor. She maybe talking to a patient she is treating. But it is worth guessing but we will have to wait and see.

Roger Time Travels

Tension further extends with Roger going back in time to find his son Jemmy abducted by Rob. More to the surprise no sign if Buck is shown but the scarf of Jemmy is brought on. Buck while transporting back in time gone lost or separated.

Jamie, Claire and Ian

Next scene is where the three is riding horses on a plain means they are shortly after they got off the ship by judging what they are wearing. This is possibly they are going to bury Jamie’s cousin.

Bree in Modern Days

After the horse ride, there is a shot of a car driving through. Bree is driving the red car with worried face possibly covered with tears. Bree same as Jamie looking back, looks back at her daughter Amanda in the back. Bree is in vulnerable position than anyone else in this trailer. She feels unsecured with Roger is going back through time with Buck and she has no idea where her son is. The way she drives in the road means she knows exactly where she wants to go. She tries to go to a known place in high speed meaning she gets to know where Jemmy is and understands quickly his life in in danger. This is possibly Rob and Jem did not go back in time still the duo are in modern days.

Outlander Keeps Fans at Bay

Next shot is Lord John Gray shows a serious look on someone possibly at Jamie. Jamie is still worrying too much about what happened to William due to him and wanting to reveal his true identity. In another point of view John Gray may have heard that Jamie nearly killed him in the battle. So a tense situation is promising between Jamie and Lord John in the next episode. Next is Ian sitting in a chair with some serious face as if something is not going right as expected. He has written a letter by himself and sealed it with the red sealing gum on the back. By judging the facts available this letter is possibly addressed to Rachel about a serious concern. There are 1 second shots where Jamie is running with a weapon in the forest looking as if he is chasing after somebody. A kiss and possible romance can be expected in coming season but not as steaming as earlier before. The funeral of Jamie’s cousin General Simon Fraser is taking place. 

The upcoming season will make us feel eventful as expected. The story will evolve around these storylines and probably first few things that will occur in the next season.

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