Outlander is known for many things, adventure, intrigue, and romance, but also for it’s gorgeous, detailed 1700s costumes. While not 100% accurate, the period costumes give us a glimpse into life in the 18th century. In this article we’ll explore the clothing styles from each season, beginning in Scotland 1740s, but first, a bit of history on the kilt.
The Scottish kilt demonstrates the uniqueness of design, construction, and convention. A kilt, meaning ‘to tuck up the clothes around the body’ is a large piece of fabric that was pleated and draped over the body and belted at the waist. It allowed for fee movement, especially in the Highlands. With its tight weave of strong wool, it created a barrier between the rain and skin, serving as both a piece of clothing, and as a shelter from the cold, damp weather. Made of worsted wool and twill, when woven in a particular sett (pattern of stripes and color) it is called tartan or plaid. Each clan had it own unique tartan to identify them from other clans.
The earliest examples of kilts date back to the end of the 16th century, however, this garment had a relatively short history. In 1746, following the Jacobite uprising, all items of Highland dress, including the kilt, were outlawed by the Dress Act in an attempt to suppress the Highland culture and bring the clans under the government control of King George II. Weapons, including swords, dirks and guns were forbidden under this law as well. Anyone found possessing a weapon or even the smallest bit of tartan was severely punished. The Dress act was lifted in 1782 and kilts made a return.
In 2024, men’s kilts continue to embrace a diverse range of styles, blending traditional elements with modern fashion trends. I think we can all agree that there is something alluring about a man in a kilt. Just ask anyone who has seen a photo of Sam Heughan wearing one.

Sources : Lochcarron of Scotland: The History of the Kilt & Wikipedia The History of the Kilt