Outlander Mid Season Finale review

Outlander Mid-Season Finale Review & Next

Fans are very much happy to see as Jamie Fraser is surviving after the badly hit injury in the First Battle of Saratoga. The mid-season finale keeps everyone at stake. Book fans know what would happen in next but not the movie lovers. So, let’s try to discuss what will be the shape of the series and the ending of Outlander Mid-Season Finale.

Heart Wrenching Second Battle

Jamie’s injured body in an unconscious state lying on the battlefield is found by Claire. Fans don’t know if he is dead or alive. Looters are coming around trying to kill Jamie and take everything he has. But as promised Claire comes in and threatens by pointing a sword at the looters. The sight of Claire to rescue Jamie sends fans a refreshing change. Claire’s bravery is highlighted as she is saying she will attack them if they try to harm.

Jamie is surviving slowly. However more fear in Claire’s mind as Jamie is ready to go back and fight again. Major General Benedict Arnold an individual who is fighting with Jamie changes sides from the Continental Army to the British. During the second battle Jamie faces two of his blood relations on the battlefield; General Simon Fraser, his cousin and William, his own son.

General Fraser is wounded severely and finds him on his deathbed. Meanwhile the Continental Army taking the advantage and Jamie is being invited to see General Fraser on his death bed. General Fraser passes away soon after Jamie leave the room and his final wish is for him to sleep back at Scotland. This means Jaime, Claire and Ian will find a fast way courtesy of royalty to get back to Scotland right at the end.

Another milestone of Jamie’s life is spotted with he goes over to William and returns his hat. Fans know Jaime never properly speaks to William and he later mentions he goes there and meet him to ensure that he finally speak to him as a man rather than aiming at him through a weapon.

What is to Happen Next

Fans know Roger and Buck come to 1778. The timeline for the second and final Battle of Saratoga is in October of 1777. Roger’s return means they are back in 1978 to find Jeremiah. The kiss shared by Ian and Rachel happens in an awkward way. They both know her to be with him will make something fearful to happen.

Roger and Bree is hardly on the screen for this episode. The editors have put more weight on Jamie and Claire this time but fans see Roger returns to reveal Rob takes Jemmy to find the Jacobite gold and retrieve them to the present day. But as mentioned in the novel Rob fails going through the stones and instead he locks Jemmy inside a tunnel where Bree was first locked up.

Jamie and Claire in mid Season finale

Glimpse and Take Outs From This Episode

This is a great way to conclude for a mid-season finale. The Battle of Saratoga reaches to the peak, Jamie as hoped and prayed found alive, Claire’s heroics are too good for him to be alive, the twist of wars and the outcomes are fruitless, Roger, Bree and Buck still in danger are some of the main take-outs from this time of Outlander.  We have to wait until next year to get the next batch of episodes.

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