What Happens in Outlander Season 7 Episode 7

Outlander s7 review

Fans see too much. Their favorites; Jamie and Roger finds life threatening difficulties. An event fill of battles occurring on both sides of the timelines. The battle of Saratoga and the battle of Rob Cameron and Roger. Fans didn’t expect two major misfortunes to happen in this one episode to their favorite characters. What we feel now about Outlander season 7 episode 7.

Major Plot of Outlander Season 7 Episode 7

Jemmy is going missing and Roger goes to search for him. Meanwhile in Jamie’s story looking not good. He is being wounded heavily on the grounds at the battlefield. .

What Happens in 1980s’?

William Buck McKenzie a character who Roger was all too familiar with. Due to him being the reason as to why he almost died back in the 1700s. Buck is able to travel through time. Fans see that he ends up in the present day. Later on in the episode Rob Cameron ultimately ends up going around for that dinner that Roger agreed to host previously. However that is a date or time which is never arranged. Rob‘s nature is spotted here. What he needs to get confirmed is to see the time travelling is possible with his own eyes. Rob sees Roger’s practical Guide for Time Travelers that he’d been writing in the previous episode. Rob goes upstairs, finds the box that has Jamie and Claire’s all the letters.  Rob’s dream fulfilled.  He sees true powers at Craigh na Dun. He needs to see the true powers of time travelling most probably after seeing the letter about the Jacobite gold.

1700s’ in season 7 Episode 7.

During the past couple of weeks fans did not see much of Jamie and Claire. Their favorite couple on screen. Fans witness the first of what will be two battles of Saratoga. William Ransom, the biological son of Jamie works as a messenger. In reality he wanted to fight alongside with his troops on the battlefield which he did successfully. Fans see that he is a changed person by the end witnessing his close friend being killed. He immediately understands if he is stood only a matter of centimeters to the right, he would have most likely been killed. Meanwhile, while all this super excited stuff happening on the screen, the camera zoomed into the battlefield. Fan’s valiant hero of the entire series Jamie Fraser found lying on the floor in an unconscious state. Scenes will break fans into pieces. He is not looking good. They remember how he promised to Claire that he would come back. It is not looking like he is going to return to the state that he left. Fans pray not Jamie Fraser to die and we do too.

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About Jonathan Piyasena

Jonathan is one of our junior editors working with us to grow the website. He is mostly living with television series on Netflix and Starz and keeping eye on interesting events and characters. He will update about the things what fans want to KNOW!!!

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